WELCOME! Between Me and You™ journals help you create lasting handwritten family keepsakes.

If you get around to it, check them out at

THIS particular space is a place where we can all come together and share family journal experiences,
share ideas about ways to create keepsakes, even share memories.

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to your contribution ... winston

Ideas for new topics in this space.

Is there another topic that you think should be added to this forum?

Comments :

5 comments to “Ideas for new topics in this space.”
Anonymous said...

I just had a son 7 weeks ago and found your website, I love the journals. This is a great idea. Whatabout having a journal that girlsfriends can pass back and fourth. I have three very good friends all over the untied states and would love to send the journal back to each other. Thank you for listening. Jacqueline at JLEesp@aol.com

Baugus Family said...

How about having an online version. So that it would be easier to share with friends or family who is far away.


WINSTON said...

Thanks Jacqueline .... actually, the GIRL journal is the journal you're looking for. Check it out at http://www.sanddunebooks.com/girl_sample.shtml

Baugus Family said...

How about having an online version. That way friends and family from far away could add to a journal. Ildiko http://www.thetutorbook.com

Janet said...

I appreciate my daughter. She sent me this link. I would like the "daughter" journal. I have five daughters. Two of my daughters are married now. Thanks.

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