WELCOME! Between Me and You™ journals help you create lasting handwritten family keepsakes.

If you get around to it, check them out at

THIS particular space is a place where we can all come together and share family journal experiences,
share ideas about ways to create keepsakes, even share memories.

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to your contribution ... winston

Share your favorite keepsake ideas.

Have you discovered or created a great way to collect family memories? Do Tell !!!

Comments :

6 comments to “Share your favorite keepsake ideas.”
Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes....
I've read to my child since day one, together we've read over a thousand books. Granted, many were Golden Books but still...
One day he suggested to me, as kids often do, what I *should have done*. It would have been nice, he said, if I had written the names and authors of each book read on a slip of paper and put those in a "reading jar". What a sense of accomplishment a child would feel to see all those slips of paper.
He also suggested (oh, did I tell you how wise he is?) that I should have saved every movie and museum ticket stub and put them in an album. He really has forgotten lots of things he's seen and read. To see them archived may jar fond memories.
In that light, I think it would be a wonderful idea to include little pockets on the inside covers of the journals for small sentimental things such as these.
What do you think?

Anonymous said...

As a gift one valentines day, I bought a jar and decorated with pink paint and stickers. Then I cut out 365 heart shaped pieces of pink paper. On the paper, I wrote one thing that I loved about my hubby. I wrote down and another 363, and the last one was taped on the bottom and it said "because you are you!"
He was only supposed to read one a day, but ended up reading all of them within a week. :P


Mia J. said...

I am preserving family memories by having a memory box in which I keep a lot of the things that my daughter makes or achievements and pictures or mementos of things we have done as a family.

cookiert said...

When my youngest sister in law was born, my father in law made a video of all the extended family and friends wishing her a happy 18th birthday. She is 13 now. Everyone is looking forward to watching it in 5 years, although it will be bittersweet since some family members are no longer with us.

Erin Lowmaster said...

I always scrapbook everything :) It's a wonderful way to remember special times.

windycindy said...

I like to preserve our family heritage with quilts that have been handed down throughout the generations, furniture; like a rocker I had when I was a child, a rocker that my grandpa had that my 90 year old dad still uses, etc. I also have flowers growing in my yard that my paternal grandma grew and flowers that my mom grew in our yard growing up. Thanks very much.....Cindi

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